Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What if I told you...

... that I wasn't going to be a Nurse? What if I became a Social Worker...

I've had several dreams where I'm saving children from cruel people. I always woke up in the middle of my dreams disturbed and even frustrated--Because I always woke up in the middle, not knowing whether or not I succeeded in saving these children.

I always knew I wanted to work with children. Always. Today I've been skimming the news on KSL and came across so many stories of child abuse. On top of that, my co-worker showed me this sad story about a two-year old boy, Peter, who was brutally beaten, starved, and eventually murdered in his crib. Something within me fires up when I read these stories and convinces me even more that I need to do something to help these little angels who are so defenseless, and cruelly victimized.

What's even worse is that Social Workers, like those watching over Peter, seemed to have neglected the bruises and cuts on this poor baby. They did not do a thing. They saw the baby just three days before his murder and still did nothing... they failed to recognize the signs. Even the Justice system lacks the 'justice' necessary to protect young children from these monsters. The court gave custody to the mother of little Peter; a woman not even capable of raising a child with her history of alcohol, and smoking, completely uninterested. She was frequently online, chatting and playing poker--leaving her boyfriend to "play" with the baby. Needless to say, things got bad fast.

What can we do? Something to think about, and even watch for.

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