Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project of the year. Thus far.

As you may have noticed the button to the right, it's true... I am embarking on the creative mania that comes with "The Quiet Book" creation. I went shopping today to gather some things. Cut out the pages. And did all the cut outs for two pages out of a possible 24. Yes. I said 24. And I'm only HALF way done with 2 of them (still need to sew them together).

Here's where you ask: Why? Followed by: She doesn't have any kids. 

Well, truth be told, I WILL have kids one day. And when that day comes, I'm positive that I won't have the patience nor the time to make a Quiet Book of this quality and quantity. I mean, come on... 24 pages are a lot of pages!

Anyway, I'm thrilled about it actually. I can test it on my nephews and nieces. I hope I love it in the end..

Does anyone else feel like art/crafts are therapeutic? I am in the ZONE when I'm doing artsy projects. Completely content. Max doesn't understand this artsy craze I have, but he also doesn't restrict my craft purchases, since I don't say no to his re-occuring need for new soccer cleats/balls/anything Sports Authority has, every other month (ha, which I don't understand that so I guess we're even).

1 comment:

  1. did erin tell you about our quiet books?? you should ask her about them!
