Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Holiday

The past couple days have been so great. Especially since it meant getting out of the torn up house for hours at a time. The Getz crew came into town. Turkey Trot 10k (which I wasn't registered for...sneaky sneaky). Football for the guys and kickball for everyone else. Had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner prepared by my mother-in-law. Played with my nieces and nephews. More eating and loving. And don't forget Black Friday madness.

BTW, I have never partaken of the grueling, sometimes satisfying if you're lucky, Black Friday frenzy that sweeps this nation the day after Thanksgiving. Nope. But it was so fun talking about it and looking through all the ads with my family. Needing, wanting, dreaming... Consumerism! Sheesh. BY FAR the best deals were at Michaels. Yeah, sure I'd love all those neat electronics and goodies at Target, Walmart, Best Buy... But the art supplies and crafts?! I went to Michaels twice! Couldn't resist it. Can't wait for Christmas morning to open it all and get creative! And yes, that second time I went, I got myself some goodies that I can use before christmas day, ha.

That day was so long and a little surreal. It was 5 pm yesterday and it hit me, "It's still Black Friday." Key word still. I'm cool with the long day and all since it meant "more time" with family, but 3:40 am is a little early for me! And my sister, E... she's prego and even got up at that time!

Needless to say, last night's sleep was like heaven.

Sadly, I have no pictures documenting the past few days.

Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees and I can't just buy that dream camera I want (you know... the kind every MOTHER has? fancy.)

... I tell Max I need one when we start having kids which could be as soon as this time next year... who knows ;) HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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