Saturday, January 28, 2012


 I love this guy! You walk into the room and he lights up while running toward you with that sweet smile and those squinty Getz eyes. Just gotta love him, and kiss him, and squeeze him! And he's got the best tickle laugh. Oh my.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"Wait, are you serious?"

That was my response when Dr. Pikul called "Ashley Garrett" during the lottery this morning for the Human Anatomy class. I couldn't believe my ears. 

I went to a class last night and didn't get picked. I skipped the second section that evening because I was already home and I doubted I would have gotten The Bachelor was on. HA. 

This morning, there were 3 sections which meant 3 chances to be picked out of the lottery. I left, thinking I had plenty of time for the 9:30 class. I got to campus in time, but due to the HORRENDOUS traffic and parking, I was late and knew I couldn't just waltz into the classroom 5 minutes after and expect him to have not already started the lottery, let alone let me add my name to the list after being tardy.

So, I waited an hour and a half for the next section. Just chillin' in my car. Time came and I started for the classroom. As I approached the building, I realized I locked my keys in the car. GREAT. I came all this way, and I probably won't get picked.  Not to mention, this is the 3rd or 4th time I've locked the keys in the car and it's such a hassle! I called my dad really quick to ask him for a really, really big favor. I told him I'd call him back after calling the apartment complex about letting him into my apartment to get the spare key. All the meanwhile, I'm getting my name added to the list of 60 other names. I wait for the lottery before stepping out to call the Apt. complex. 4 spots. 4 chances. 60 names. Crap. 

At this point, I'm already zoning out. Going through the motions type attitude, thinking "Get it over with so I can get my dad on his way to come pick me up!" 4 numbers are drawn. First name: "Ashley Garrett."

Say what?! 

I was so shocked, students had a good chuckle at my astonishment. All the sudden, locking my keys in the car wasn't looking so bad :) I did not think I'd be in school this semester. Glad I was wrong!

I had been praying lately about what I'm supposed to be doing with my life. I know my calling in life is to be a mother. There is no doubt about it and it's all I think about and dream about. But I knew I needed to provide a way for myself to earn a living should Max ever leave this life unexpectedly. Read this story to see where this realization hit harder than it has before.

And let's face it, it feels good knowing I can have a job that's really worth it. Can't say that being a cashier at a grocery or retail store is life changing, you know?

Back to prayers... I needed help. Help push me in any direction that I should really pursue. You get a little lost when you're feeling down and I needed reassurance. The fact that I was the first name pulled, with all the odds against me, was an answer to my prayer and an act of God nudging me in the direction I should keep pursuing. I am feeling pretty grateful and I know it's because of Heavenly Father that I'm in this class right now. 

All good things come from God.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Brooke is official

Isn't she beautiful? Eight years old and now an official Latter-Day Saint. 
I love baptisms. Children have the sweetest spirits and in turn, allow me to feel the tender presence of our Heavenly Father the most. I love being a part of it. Every second of it!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stand still

Ah. This week has just not been the most productive. Aside from my sewing endeavors, of course. I need a job is what I need. I'm going through that phase where I'm bored and have no motivation to go outside my apartment. I'm in my PJs all day... Mindlessly walking around my tiny home dying over the fact that I literally have nothing to do.

My family job is at a stand still. There's no consistency with it. Some days I'm totally busy and some days there's nothing for me to do. I have family work waiting for me in the Spring but that's months from now.
How can I wait for months of doing nothing and not loose my insanity? Last time this happened (exactly like the situation I'm in now in fact), I couldn't wait for the family job and I found a different one instead. Oh and I ended up in school again.

BUT NOW, Sierra is packed. I check everyday for an opening in the class I need and there's nothing. Very discouraging with classes starting next week. I've been dinking around on job websites and nothing is really standing out. Maybe a few here and there but will I hear from those people? I don't know.

When you have a husband who is constantly checking bank stats and where our money is, it's kind of hard when you don't measure up. He tries to remind me nicely that I should be working more, but it's hard when there's NO work for me. I can't even go out to a store to kill my time because then I'm spending the money I'm NOT making. So... here I am. Browsing job listings. Applying. Dying. In my fleece PJ's. Wow. What a loser.

It's times like these that I'm mad I got my degree in Psych and not in something worthwhile... something that would get me a job without having to go through more years of schooling. But we were in a rush to leave Utah and I didn't want to keep Max there anymore than he wanted to be there. Sacrifice I guess.

Not a good day.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Caterpillar bag

I was actually planning on working today at my aunt's and then decided I would make this bag for my caterpillar. I mean, its a holiday ain't it?! I love it. I love the caterpillar on the front. I love the "Getz" name huge and in caps. 

So... in case we lose it at church, everyone knows to whom it belongs :)

He must be starving for round 2...

Or I'm just crazy. I'll go with the first :) Remember, I gave away my first version in the white elephant exchange? 

Well, my mom and I were shopping at Costco and came across the book for $9.99. Personally I thought that was awesome because the one at Target is almost that much, if not that much, for a book a fraction of this size. Plus, I couldn't bring myself to getting it at Target when I thought I could find it at a thrift store or at garage sales. So far, nothing has turned up so I was stoked to find this large book at Costco. And it motivated me to honker down and make another one. This time, for keeps.

 The imperfections make it mine, remember? I kinda like that phrase.

 I forgot the cocoon the first go around. But got it this time!

 I made a few changes like adding 1 piece of felt to 1 piece of print fabric instead of sewing two pieces of felt together (all to get sturdiness, you know?). This way turned out just great! And it's kind of fun having a mix of fabrics for most of the foods.

The fabrics I used came from 5'' x 5'' square kits (Quilter's Cupboard in Atascadero, CA provided me with all of these fun fabrics...aka Mom-in-law). So, this is what determined the SIZE of the fruits and other foods. The caterpillar body is also made from one fabric square. So when you first cut out the felt pieces, you want to make sure it will fit inside that 5'' x 5'' square before sewing the two together (right sides together and then flip inside out after sewing). Always cut the felt fruit a little bigger so that you can snip it away to fill the square more completely because once you flip them right sides out, it gets smaller than you think. FILL THE SQUARE the best you can so you have a good-size piece of food!

The exceptions (those items with two pieces of felt and no print fabric) came with the cocoon and butterfly parts but you just have to eyeball it and make sure its around the same size. Mine were a little bigger, especially the butterfly because I wanted a bigger effect for the end of the book. Other exceptions include the cheese, and sausage link, the pie, and the cake. But you can do whatever your heart's desire is!

Tip for cutting out foods with either 2 pieces of felt or 1 piece of felt and 1 fabric square: Cut out 1 side of the fruit (which will ALWAYS be felt) and then sew directly onto either the fabric square or felt sheet. THEN you can cut around it. If you were to cut out both sides of the fruit before sewing, you'll find that fabric MOVES and you won't get the best results in the end. Instead you'll probably be swearing curse words and throwing away cutouts. Speaking of curse words,
So funny.

 All shapes are free-cut. I did not make templates before hand, just looked at the pictures in the book and began cutting. There is some slight variation from the book illustrations but at least the kids will know what they are! It definitely helps having those 5'' x 5'' squares to help you when cutting out sizes and keeping them all consistent. 

 Once they are flipped right sides out, sew a circle in the middle (or where ever it makes sense) for the hole. Then take your nice, sharp pair of scissors and cut out the hole. Done. Don't worry about making perfect circles when you're sewing. Once you get going, you'll get the hang of it and the imperfect circles won't be noticable, especially if you CUT a well-rounded circle.

Do I need a kid or what?! :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

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Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm getting the craving for more sewing. 
In case you didn't know, I gave my Caterpillar toy away in my family's White Elephant exchange. Mostly because I knew my sister's would fight over it ;) haha. And they did. Which means, I'll be making a new one soon. 

Kara picked it unknowingly and I think her reaction is awesome:

Not only will I be revisiting that venture, but I'm also going to revisit the quiet book. 

Oh, yes.

This time it's going to be based off of bible/book of mormon stories. I've wanted to do it for awhile and I just saw a friend's version of it that she just started and well... it was the tipping point! Mind you, it will not be as many pages as my first but I'm hoping I can get more detail in with the sewing.

Oh and Max started his first day on the job this morning! It will take some getting used to not seeing him SO much. Literally, so much time together. Especially over the Christmas break. We're talking everyday for hours and hours. And hours. Maybe this is a good thing ;) In all seriousness, I'm so proud of him! He has worked so hard and he is finally doing what he has always wanted to do with a company he has always wanted to work for. I chose a good one :)

Handsome Man

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year

Welcome 2012!